Beginner Programming: Moving Average Crossover with and without Martingale functionality

Beginner Programming: Moving Average Crossover with and without Martingale functionality

All of the functions used in the Expert Advisor are found in the ImportantFunctions.mqh include file.

There are 2 Expert Advisors, both using the price crossing the moving average as their entry signal, with a simple difference: one uses Martingale when losses occur, and the other does not.

I don’t recommend using any of the EAs with a live account, they are made for demonstration purposes only.

Simple Moving Average EA Inputs:

  • MAPeriod: The period of the Moving Average indicator.
  • LotSize: The lot size used to enter trades.
  • TPPoints: Take profit points.
  • SLPoints: Stop loss points.

Moving Average EA with Martingale Inputs:

  • MAPeriod: The period of the Moving Average indicator.
  • StartingLot: The lot size used to enter the first trade; this value will increase after a loss.
  • MaxLot: The maximum lot size. The StartingLot can be increased until this value.
  • TPPoints: Take profit points. This will increase after a loss.
  • SLPoints: Stop loss points. This will increase after a loss.
  • LotMultiplier: The lot size will be multiplied by this value after a loss if it has not reached the MaxLot value yet.
  • TPMultiplier: The Take profit and Stop loss will both increase by this amount after a loss, providing a recovery edge not only through position sizing but also because of the bigger TP.

The code contains comments, and I’ve made a YouTube video explaining everything you need to understand.

Thanks for reading!

Moving Average without Martingale

Moving Average With Martingale

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