Symbol Spread Equity Profit Banner V1.mq4

Symbol Spread Equity Profit Banner V1.mq4

//|A very simple Indicator banner showing Symbol Spread Equity Profit

//|I use it every day in full chart mode so I don’t have to open the terminal panel to check equity,

//|and to see optimal spread to entry symbol trade. I consider it useful enough to share it with you. 

Symbol Spread Equity Profit Banner V1.mq4

#property copyright     “Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd.”

#property link          “”

#property version       “1.01”

#property description   “[email protected]

#property description   “IP 2024 – free open source”

#property description   “Symbol Spread Equity Profit Banner”

#property description   “”

#property description   “WARNING: Use this software at your own risk.”

#property description   “The creator of this script cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss,”

#property description   “nor for happiness and euphoria on gains.”

#property strict

Symbol Spread Equity Profit Banner V1.mq4

Symbol Spread Equity Profit Banner V1.mq4

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